Things I have learned from Randy Pausch Time Management Lecture:

1) Do not spend your time on doing things that you dont like because then you will be wasting your time.

2) You have to be organised so that you dont waste any second from your life searching for something you lost because of a messy room.

3) Being successful dosent make you manage your time well, however managing your time makes you successful.

4) Manage your time depending on your goals and priorities then plan them.

5) The power of dreams make us take our first step towards accomplishment.

6) On your plan, begin with the things you hate the most.

7) Announce goals in your call so that you dont waste your time and hangup quicker.

8) Make time for writing thankyou note.

9) Do not find time for important things, you make it.

10) Doing things at the last minute is really expensive, and its just much more expensive than doing it just before the last minute.

Answer for Prof. Christos' presentation:

Ans.Q1: What is a decision problem?

Decision problem is defined in mathematical way that means whether the equation is true (yes) or false (no) depending on the set we have and the values.

Ans.Q2: What does it mean for a decision problem to be decidable?

A decision problem to be decidable is to solve it based on a specific algorithm that uses a specific input and process it by a simple step. So decidable problem generally is algorithmically solvable.

Ans.Q3: What is the class P? What is the class NP?

Class P is a classified set that contains a decision problem and can be solved using a specific machine called Turing. For instance there is a problem in P that makes it hard but extremely hard to solve them, some require 1000000 operations which kind of make it hard and impossible to find its solution, and speaking of impossible P also contain problems that have never been solved. NP class are problems that contain both P ( that are solved FAST comparing to others ) and other problems ( that are classified NOT solved FAST comparing to the previous ), though we can check the solution quickly.

Ans.Q4: What is the intuitive meaning of the “P versus NP” question?

Basically, we can solve P quickly and the solution already exist by solving them computationally. The issue here is that not all NP can be solved (so the only solved ones are P and other that are solvable but takes time and a lot of time). However, the "other" NP problems will be computationally solvable if P=NP.

Ans.Q5: If you resolve the P versus NP question, how much richer will you be?

As theoretical computer scientist Scott Aaronson mentioned that if someone proved that P=NP then he has to avoid the 1 million$ prize, because you should steal $200 billion in bitcoin and the second thing they should do is solve all of the other Millennium Prize Problems, so imagine how your Wealth will be.

Further information:

Answers for Prof. Ryan's Security Talk:

Ans.Q1:Who discovered the attack? How long has it been going on?

Zack Whittaker was the first one to discover and report the attack, as Google say that the attack was going on 2 years , however Apple said that it last 2 months only.

Ans.Q2: Who orchestrated the attacks? How do we know?

China orchestrated the attacks to target the Uighur community.

Ans.Q3: What did the attack allow the attackers to do to a victim's phone?

By having the access through any mobile phone you can have the altimate power to treat it as you wish. In this attack China wanted to watch the Uighur and observe their movement. They were also able to transfer them to another websites.

Ans.Q4: On a technical level, what did the attack do? How did it do it?

Simply the attakers used the huge number of undiscoverd weakness in the operating system these harmful websites were able to access the vistors mobile phone and transfer them to another page that was about cloned animals.

Ans.Q5: Why were the security flaws not patched earlier?

It is possible that these flaws were not discovered or in a very old version because they were able to fix them in the new version or update.

Ans for Prof. Hammoud's Cloud Computing Talk:

Ans.Q1: Why and what is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is similar to an imaginary office that makes operation or mostly transfer them threw web Cloud computing networks are large groups of servers and cloud service providers that usually take advantage of low-cost computing technology, with specialized connections to spread data-processing chores across them.Virtualization techniques are often used to maximize the power of cloud computing.

Ans.Q2: Is cloud computing a new technology? In other words, what is unique about cloud computing?

Cloud computing provides us better data storage, data security, collaboration, and it also changes the workflow to help small business owners to take better decisions.

Ans.Q3: What are the three major cloud service models, and which service model would you use to run your simple python programs?

The three majors are IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. We basicly use Paas to run our simple python programs.

Ans.Q4: What is the economic/business model of cloud computing?

It is actually a significant shift in the business and economic models for provisioning and consuming information technology (IT) that can lead to a significant cost savings. This cost savings can only be realized through the use of significant pooling of these “configurable computing resources” or resource pooling. According to NIST, this capability is an essential characteristic of cloud computing.

Answers for Prof. Giselle's talk:

Ans.Q1: What are programming languages for?

Programing languages are a way to communicate with the computers, just like how people communicate using language computers do so. Language of the computer is used to communicate either between one computers to other or to communicate with the user.

Ans.Q2: How do we translate solutions to computer programs? What are the limitations?

We usually follow a specific style in translating what we want to a computer depending on the language we are using to communicate with the computer. The limitations are Speed, Subject, Matter, Accuracy, Vocabulary, Volume and Expense.

Ans.Q3: How many programming languages are there? What does this number tell you?

There are 256 programming languages that are known and listed in the internet, but people beleace there are more like the Korean language. This means that computer can understand and have more languages than humans do, even if we counted all the languages that have ever existed on earth, we will still will not have any one that speaks them all.

Answers for Prof. Gianni's talk:

Ans.Q1: Can you give both an operational and a philosophical definition of AI?

operational AI, is a type of intelligent system designed for real-world applications, particularly at commercial scale. However there is another type of definetion which is the philosophical AI defiened as the field devoted to building artificial animals (or at least artificial creatures that – in suitable contexts – appear to be animals) and, for many, artificial persons (or at least artificial creatures that – in suitable contexts – appear to be persons).

Ans.Q2: Can you name at least three different techniques or sub-fields of AI?

AI has three types :

1- Artificial Narrow Intelligence ( ANI )

2- Artificial General Intelligence ( AGI )

3- Artificial Super Intelligence ( ASI ) ( the coolest of all… )

Ans.Q3: AI has been around since about 70 years so far. Why is it booming right now?

AI is booming now becuase of the following reasons:

1- Computing Power: 70 years back people did not have a intelligence computers or sufficient power, super computer were highly expensive. Now Nvidia GPUs cluster (worth few hundred thousands dollar) can match the capabilities that of Supercomputer. Plus, there are GPU cloud services easily accessible to every individual. Implementing the machine learning algorithms on a GPU could speed up the training process by 10x – 100x.

2- Data Availbility: We are generating more data today than ever before. Social platforms have all the basic personal data about you.

3- Better algorithms development due to availability of data: Previously, there simply wasn’t enough available data to train a machine, let alone build algorithms that allowed machines to train themselves. The more data we have, the better the algorithms do. Artificial Neural Network algorithms have been developed in 80’s. But the data and computational power was not available. This explosion of data+computational power has made it possible to refine algorithms and develop more extensive datasets algorithms can consume for machine learning.

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