Prof. Laurie Zittrain Eisenberg

Carnegie Mellon University

Department of History




The University of Michigan,  Ph.D., 1990,  Department of History.

Specialization in modern Middle East, modern Islamic and Jewish history.                                         

Yale University,  M.A. Degree, 1984, Program in International Relations and Area Studies. 

Specialization in Middle East Area Studies, Islamic and Jewish history. 


University of Pennsylvania,  B.A. Degree, 1982, International Relations Program.  Specialization in Middle East Area Studies.



Research Interests:

Prof. Eisenberg’s areas of research and publication include:

·        the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace process;

·        the interaction of multiple Middle East actors, particularly Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinians;

·        relations between Jews and Muslims;

·        religious fundamentalism in the Middle East.



Current writing projects include:

·        a second edition of her co-authored textbook on the Arab-Israeli peace process;

·        an article about poetry as political communication during the 1967 war;

·        an article about the legacy of Jordan's King Hussein based on a textual analysis of a pivotal speech.




In the classroom, Prof. Eisenberg emphasizes the interpretation of primary source documents and their importance in original research projects. Her course on the “Arab-Israel Condition” concludes with a three day long Arab-Israeli negotiation simulation, for which students conduct extensive preparatory research and engage in extended role-playing. Her course roster includes:

·        The Arab-Israel Condition;

·        Religion and Politics in the Middle East;

·        American Foreign Policy in the Middle East since 1945;

·        Historical Evidence and Interpretation;

·        American-Arab Encounters



Publications Include:


With Neil Caplan, “The Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty of 1994: Patterns of Negotiation, Problems of Implementation,” in Ephraim Karsh and P.R.Kumaraswamy, eds., Israel, the Hashemites and the Palestinians: The Fateful Triangle  (London: Frank Cass, 2003).


With Neil Caplan, Naomi Sokoloff and Mohammed Abu-Nimer, eds., Traditions and Transitions in Israel Studies: Books on Israel, Vol. 6 (Albany: SUNY Press,  2003).


"Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? Israel and Lebanon After the Withdrawal," Middle East Review of International Affairs, 4:3 (September 2000).


"The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Lessons about Diplomatic Initiatives and Negotiations," in Mark Tessler, ed., Area Studies and Social Science: Strategies for Understanding Middle East Politics (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999).


With Neil Caplan, Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: Patterns, Problems, Possibilities (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998). [second edition forthcoming]


With Neil Caplan, "The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process in Historical Perspective," in Ilan Peleg, ed., The Middle East Peace Process: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Albany: SUNY Press, 1998).


"Israel's Lebanon Policy," Middle East Review of International Affairs, 3:2 (September 1997).


"Israel's South Lebanon Imbroglio," Middle East Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 2 (June 1997).


The Arab-Israeli Peace Process: A Contextual and Textual Analysis, Occasional Paper published by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, June 1996.


My Enemy's Enemy: Lebanon in the Early Zionist Imagination, 1900-1948 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1994). [In Arabic translation, 1997]


Restraint or Retaliation? Israel's Response to Iraqi Missile Attacks During the 1991 Gulf War, Pew Case Studies in International Affairs #361, Pew Charitable Trusts, 1994.


"Desperate Diplomacy: the Zionist-Maronite Treaty of 1946," Studies in Zionism, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Autumn 1992).


"Passive Belligerency: Israel and the Gulf War," The Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3 (September 1992).