Let’s Talk to Each Other!



English                                              Arabic


Welcome:                                           ahlan wa sahlan


good morning:                                   sabah al-khair


good afternoon:                                 masaa al-khair


hello:                                                   marhaba


goodbye:                                            ma'as-salama


please:                                               min fadlak (to a man)     min fadlek (to a woman)


thank you:                                           shukran


you’re welcome:                                ahlan


excellent:                                            mumtaz


good:                                                  tayyeb


very good:                                          tayyeb jiddan


Thank God!                                         Al hamdulillah!


yes:                                                     na’am,    ayawa


no:                                                       la’a


maybe, possibly:                               yumkin   


God willing                                          Inshallah


happy holiday:                                   eid saeed


(at Ramadan):                                   (for eid al-fitr): fitr saeed!

(for eid al-adha): adha mubarak!


good luck!                                          Muwaffaq (to a man)  muwaffaqa  (to a woman)


professor:                                           ustaz  (man)                          ustaza (woman)


(at Thanksgiving):                              Happy Thanksgiving            eid saeed


(at Rosh Hashanah):                         Happy new year                   shanah tova (Hebrew)


(at Yom Kippur):                                 May you be inscribed in the Book of Life        

gmar khatima tova  (Hebrew)