Randy Pausch

Who is Randy Pausch?

Randy Pausch is a Computer Science professor in Carnegie Mellon University. He had a pancreatic cancer.

What was he known for?

He was known for his last lecture.

5 points I liked in his talk:

1. He pointed out what he was going to talk about in the very beginning of the talk. It can help the audience to have an overview of his talk and get the main point in his speech.

2. Randy Pausch used red stars in his powerpoint to indicate which part of the presentation was more important. The audience can focus more on these parts.

3. stand when making a phone call -This is an effective way to have a short phone call and save time.

4. focus on important and valuable goals – Use a chart to organize your to-do list and do the important first. You can choose to not do some unimportant things and save time for more valuable goals.

5. relate time with money – whenever you want to waste time, you can think about how much the time worth if you are working.