Design Document - 10% of the lab grade

You are required to include a design document along with every lab submission. It must be at least 1 page long.

This document has to explain the following questions in detail:

  1. What is the lab about?
  2. Give a brief desciption of the lab. Remember to include the purpose of the lab and what it requires you to do in your own words.

  3. What is the algorithm you implemented?
  4. Explain the algorithm in detail. Do not simply copy paste your comments here.

  5. How did you test your program?
  6. Mention all the test cases you used to test your program and why you chose these cases.

  7. List all the bugs remaining in your final version.
  8. Point out all the bugs and explain the reason that caused those bugs in your program.

  9. Write a pseudocode of the algorithm you used in this lab.
  10. Here, you are required to write a pseudocode of your algorithm. Do not write the whole code or the comments. You will not receive any points if your pseudocode is very similar to your actual code or comments.