15-123: Effective Programming in C and Unix

Justin Carlson and Khaled A. Harras
Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Spring 2010



Justin Carlson Khaled A. Harras
justinca@qatar.cmu.edu kharras@qatar.cmu.edu
M1014, 454-8543 M1020, 454-8617
Tue, Wed, 1-4 pm Thu, 2-4 pm


Yi Luen (Tessa) Eng Samreen Anjum
yeng@andrew.cmu.edu sanjum@qatar.cmu.edu

Please see the class Web page for up-to-date office hours


Mon and Wed, 10:00 - 11:20am, M2035


Thu 9:30-10:20am, M2035, Samreen Anjum

Class Web Page


Note: We will be using a dlist for communication and announcements. We will not be using the Andrew or Blackboard message boards for this class.


The primary purpose of this course is to prepare students for 15-213 which, in turn, prepares them for upper-division Systems electives (e.g., Operating Systems or Computer Networks). We will use the C language (old fashioned C, not C++) to teach the basics of pointers, memory addressing, copying and moving memory, and other fundamental system tasks. We move off the Windows platform to AFS (the Andrew File System) and UNIX. On UNIX we will use the gcc compiler and the gdb debugger. The use of simple make files and a scripting language will also be taught.

Learning Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of this course, students will:

Topic Coverage

The following provides an outline to the material covered. See the course website for detailed lecture notes:


We are using one textbook:

The Kernighan & Ritchie C text (K&R) is difficult reading - it's a langauge reference manual and reads like one. But, as a CS major, you need to be able to read and understand K&R at some point in your development as a programmer. There are no assigned readings.

We expect you to use the K & R text as a resource if you don't understand something in C or want to refresh your memory (like, "What were those silly scanf format symbols, again?"). To answer this question, if you're using K & R, I would expect you to look in the index under "scanf" or "format" and see if what you find is what you need. This is how I use technical references. It's not like reading a novel or a history book.

Remember, also, that there are man pages that you can examine as well ("man scanf" for the above example).

Assignments and Exams

Assignments will be challenging and you will have to solve them independently! You are permitted to discuss algorithms with classmates (at an abstract level!, e.g., "I used a linear search of the array to find the item I needed."), and ask for help with syntax errors from classmates when you're compiling your code. But you are absolutely not permitted to copy code either electronically or via any other means.

N.B., it is likely that you will not be able to do these assignments over a day or two.

Programming Assignments will usually be released Wednesday and will be due at midnight on the second Sunday following. If you are finished early and submit by Saturday midnight, you receive a 10% bonus. If you are late submitting a lab by 24 hours or less, you may hand in with a 10% penalty. After 24 hours the handin window is closed. If you are not done - hand in what you have. You'll get partial credit for the understanding that you have demonstrated.

Exam Dates will be on the course Assignments page. No alternative make up exam will be given without a valid medical excuse.

Grading Policy

Grades will be weighted as follows:

Component Weight
Labs (8) 40%
Quizzes 5%
Participation 5%
Exams (3) 30%
Final Exam 20%

Semester grades will be assigned as follows:

Score Grade
[90-100] A
[80-90) B
[70-80) C
[60-70) D
Below 60 R

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is fundamentally about ethical behavior. Appropriate collaboration and research of previous work is an important part of the learning process. However, not all collaboration or use of existing work is ethical. The overarching principles which should guide you when determining whether or not it is appropriate to use a source or collaborate with a classmate involve answering these questions:

If you are at all uncertain about the ethicality of an action, whether it be working with another student, researching existing code, or something else, you are always welcome to ask the instructors for clarification.

The severity of sanctions imposed for an academic integrity violation will depend on the severity of the transgression and ascertained intent of the student. Penalties may range from failing the assignment to failing the course.

Class Schedule

Class Date Day Topic Reading Projects Lecturer
1 11-Jan Mon Overview, Unix and Emacs Both
2 13-Jan Wed Unix & shell scripting I Lab 1 Out KAH
3 18-Jan Mon Intro to C Programming I Chapter 1 & 2 KAH
4 20-Jan Wed Intro to C Programming II Chapter 3 KAH
5 25-Jan Mon Arrays Chapter 4 & 5 Lab 2 Out KAH
6 27-Jan Wed Strings Chapter 5 and Appendix B3 KAH
7 1-Feb Mon Dynamic Memory Allocation Chapter 5 Lab 3 Out KAH
8 3-Feb Wed File I/O, Pointer Arithmetic Chapter 5 and Chapter 7 KAH
9 8-Feb Mon Exam 1 n/a
10 10-Feb Wed Structs Chapter 6 KAH
11 15-Feb Mon Linked Lists I KAH
12 17-Feb Wed Linked Lists II Lab 4 Out KAH
13 22-Feb Mon Hashing and Makefiles KAH
14 24-Feb Wed Binary Trees KAH
Spring Break
15 8-Mar Mon Exam 2 (Computer based) n/a
16 10-Mar Wed Perl I Lab 5 Out JDC
17 15-Mar Mon Perl II JDC
18 17-Mar Wed Perl III JDC
19 22-Mar Mon System Calls Lab 6 Out JDC
20 24-Mar Wed Function Pointers JDC
21 29-Mar Mon Lab 7 Discussion Lab 7a & 7b Out JDC
22 31-Mar Wed Process Control I JDC
23 5-Apr Mon Process Control II JDC
24 7-Apr Wed Process Control III JDC
25 12-Apr Mon Exam 3 n/a
26 14-Apr Wed TBA JDC
27 19-Apr Mon TBA JDC
28 21-Apr Wed Review Both