Randy Pausch

Who is Randy Pausch?

Randy Pausch a Professor that has taught in the University of Virginia and Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and received chemotherapy.

What was he known for?

He was known for his creation "Alice", which allowed the user to design animations, beginner level games and other applications. (Alice – Tell Stories. Build Games. Learn to Program., n.d.) In addition, he was known for his fight against pancreatic cancer.

Interesting points

-The comaprison of how time management is just as important as money.

-In order to achieve the best skills you need to find the correct methods to maximising your skills.

-A very important step is learning from tasks that didn't go to plan.

-The simplest way to keep track with things is a calendar.

-"You don't find time for important things you make it" -Randy Pausch (Carnegie Mellon University, 2008b)


Alice – Tell stories. build games. learn to program. (n.d.). http://www.alice.org/

Carnegie Mellon University. (2008, February 6). Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTugjssqOT0