Programming Language

Computer programming language is the language that computers can understand by translate it to machine code so that people can give instructions to computers. Computers cannot understand the natural languages that human beings are using in the daily life. The interactions between computers and related machines rely on the corresponding programming languages which makes computers understand and conduct the instructions more efficiently.

The most famous and widely used programming languages includes Python, Java, C Language, C++, HTML, etc. Some of these programming languages are compiled to machine code, the others are interpreted. Besides, they can also be classified as machine and assembly languages, algorithmic languages, business-oriented languages, education-oriented languages, object-oriented languages, declarative languages, scripting languages, document formatting languages, and World Wide Web display languages, depending on their purposes.

Although they have different application and features, they somehow share similarities to allow the understanding of a wider range. There are three basic control structure that are commonly used in these programming languages: sequence, conditional, and iterative (looping) structure. Sequence is to command the computer conduct codes step by step. Condition is to give alternatives for certain instructions. In Python, what we are currently learning, it may be if-else or if-elif structure. Loops lets the computer repeat certain commanding over and over again. Besides, these programming languages share same data structure, like integers, real numbers, Booleans (true or false), and characters or strings, and certain combinations.


  • 1. How would the programming languages be translated to machine codes?
  • 2. If we want to develop a new programming language, what is the most primary challenge?
  • 3. How do certain differences between programming languages lead to their different application?

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